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Carefully Curated Collections to Simplify Your Shopping

Carefully Curated Collections to Simplify Your Shopping

We searched high and low for unique items that are sure to put smiles on the faces of whoever receives them. Each of these gifts are lovingly hand-boxed by our “workshop elves.” We did the hard work and you get to reap the benefits with these “ready-to-give” gift boxes. You can even add a personalized note to each gift box, and we’ll ship it directly to the recipient or to you.
Kimberly Reed

Luxury Holiday Gifts Mom will Love

Flowers. Jewelry. Cosmetics. Nice, but generic gift options for mom don't you think?

So, what if this holiday season you treated her to a less predictable present—something she would love, use and, ultimately, remember you by? Step away from the clichés and truly surprise your mom this year with these awesome gift ideas.

1. Picture your mom in her dream home: standing by the oversized windows of her...
Kimberly Reed